The 2nd first day of school without Parker. As much as he disliked school, he loved it too. He loved his teachers, often calling them “Mommy” by mistake, he loved recess where he could play and he loved his friends. His friends are all starting 6th grade today. They all look so much older, so much taller. Their baby faces are changing into the faces of a young adults. The world is moving ahead. Payton is starting 8th grade, her last year before High School. I wish for nothing more than a happy and healthy year ahead for her. She has the world ahead of her and she makes me beyond proud every day.
I love seeing all of those happy faces in my feed, standing on their front porch or at their bus stop. My wish is for everyone to have the best year ever. Thrive and learn and for the moms out there, take a break, it’s been a long summer. But remember, don’t count the days, make the days count.
I love you forever, Bud.