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Writer's pictureKim Nork

Day 14

Friday, March 3, 2017


Two weeks in already. Halfway through Induction phase. Spent another long day at the hospital. What was supposed to be a quick chemo treatment turned into a long day of trying to treat Parker's constipation. What we thought was acid reflux was not. Now hoping he can get himself back in track and feeling much better. All of this medication has his body in a tizzy to say the least. And of course he phenomenal through out every curve life has thrown him so far. I wish all of you could witness just how strong and smart and persistent he is. It is truly remarkable. He amazes me every day with his strength and determination to get through. Tomorrow is a new day and an opportunity to be a great day. We just keep truckin' day by day. #powerofparker #lifewithparker #1

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