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Writer's pictureKim Nork

Day 16

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

I wish I could say today was a good day. Parker is back in the hospital and being treated for constipation. All of his meds and chemo have done a number on his belly. He has to be cleared out in order to have his chemo treatment that was supposed to happen on Friday. His treatment was to drink 7 liters of liquid meds to get things moving and out. He tried for a little while and just could not drink it fast enough. He was agitated and stressed out thinking he had to drink so much in such a short period of time.

Next step is to insert a nasogastric tube to administer the fluids directly into his tummy. He had a med to "relax" him and was so relaxed we actually were laughing at his silly faces he was making and talking about Lego potatoes. It was working for a while until he threw up, tube and all. They had to reinsert and start all over again. We've been here for about 8 hours and haven't made much progress at all. At least I packed a bag and have all mine and his necessities to hopefully only stay over night. It's hard not to get discouraged at this point. Nothing has been easy for him thus far. I don't know who to be mad at. I'm frustrated and angry and sad for my sweet boy to have to endure so much. For the love of God please let this be a hurdle we can get over and get back on track.

On a good note, his hockey team swept their tournament in Massachusetts this weekend and took home the first place trophy! They played hard and they played for Parker. Way to go team! #powerofparker #lifewithparker #1

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